
Inside Iconic Houses Videos

Inside Iconic Houses

The Inside Iconic Houses tour video series on demand is here on sale and streaming through one month after purchasing.
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Enjoy the teasers here below and the full-length videos of the tours!

Inside Iconic Houses - Maison Cazenave

Video on demand - Language English

Join the owners of Maison Casenave, for a tour of their 1967 house, designed by Swiss architect Hans Demarmels.

Maison Cazenave

Lanneplaà, France
Architect: Hans Demarmels, 1967

Join us for another Inside Iconic Houses tour! Maison Cazenave, designed by Swiss architect Maison Cazenave (1967) is overlooking the soft-sloped hills of Nouvelle Aquitaine in France with the Pyrenees mountains in sight. Built by Swiss architect Hans Demarmels (1931-2010) for the Cazenave family, the house seamlessly connects indoor with outdoor living. It was designed around a huge open fireplace including various custom made built-in seating areas. Around the house you find numerous built-in concrete furniture such as an open bar, tables, and seats. The main room is a 110 square meters open living/dining/cooking/working area on five levels, each one interconnected by two or three steps.

The private owners of Maison Cazenave gave our board members a tour to get familiar with the architecture of this hidden gem. We recorded the tour and share it now with you! The restoration work is still in full swing, which makes it all the more special to see this unique house already before official tours are given. In this house, light becomes the fourth dimension of architecture.
Experience it yourself!

© 2021 All rights Reserved. The Iconic Houses Foundation is registered as a Public Benefit Organization (ANBI) at the Tax and Customs Administration in The Netherlands.
