
Inside Iconic Houses Videos

Inside Iconic Houses

The Inside Iconic Houses tour video series on demand is here on sale and streaming through one month after purchasing.
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Enjoy the teasers here below and the full-length videos of the tours!

Inside Iconic Houses - Horta Museum

Video on demand - Language English

Curator Benjamin Zurstrassen takes us on an exclusive behind-the-scenes tour of Victor Horta's atelier and house.

Horta Museum

Brussels, Belgium
Architect: Victor Horta, 1901

If you'd like to hear a conservator's thoughts on how to manage a museum home educationally, historically correct, or restoration technically, then stream this highly informative tour in which curator Benjamin Zurstrassen gives us a look behind the scenes in Victor Horta's former atelier and house. In addition, we also get to see the music room, the iconic stairwell and dining room.

The museum was established in the private house and studio which had belonged to the architect himself. The house was built to an innovative design, with the rooms opening onto the stairwell, which is roofed with a glazed skylight. Horta created a variety of perspectives and sought to allow light to circulate. He simplified supporting structures through the use of metal arches, tie-beams and girders, all of which are unconcealed. The structures and decor are closely linked.

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