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Inside Iconic Houses Videos

Inside Iconic Houses

The Inside Iconic Houses tour video series on demand is here on sale and streaming through one month after purchasing.
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Inside Iconic Houses - Case Study House #26

Video on demand - Language English

Owners Alfonso Cordon and architect Cord Struckmann, give a tour of their Mid Century Modern gem.

Case Study House #26

San Rafael, California, USA
Architect: Beverley David Thorne, 1962
Our host on site is Kristin Stone, Managing Director of The Pasadena Tour Company.

Join us for an expert led tour of the only Case Study House outside of Southern California, the Case Study House 26 with the owners Alfonso Cordon and architect Cord Struckmann who are the stewards of the house since 2015. They will let us peek inside their drawers and behind doors in this exclusive online tour of their Mid Century Modern masterpiece, followed by a live Q&A.

Case Study House #26 in San Rafael is one of the last built houses of the influential post-war Case Study House Program, sponsored by the Arts & Architecture magazine. It is the only Case Study House designed by Beverley Thorne (1924-2017), who designed more than 150 houses in California, mostly framed in steel and on difficult sites. The timeless design is based on a simple concept, basically a shoebox comprised of 8 identical 10-foot bays, covered with a flat roof. The social spaces are accentuated by a double height space, whose dramatic roof follows the slope of the lot. Despite the difficult terrain, this design required minimal excavation. Smart design and orientation allow daylight to enter the home at any time of day and create a special atmosphere.
Using a steel structure maximizes the ultimate indoor/outdoor experience. Most exterior walls are fully glazed allowing panoramic views over the nearby State Park and golf course. The previous owner, a TWA pilot/flight attendant couple whose home base was Saarinen’s NYC TWA terminal, equipped the home with jet-age intercom. Past and current owners maintain the home in almost original condition though feature a mix of modern and vintage art and furniture. Landscape designer Garrett Eckbo EDAW, now Aecom designed the landscape.

Host on site is Kristin Stone, owner of The Pasadena Tour Company and official Tour Partner of Iconic Houses.

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