
Film and Conference Modules

Pioneers of the Dutch Modern House

This program consists of five modules, each with a keynote lecture and an episode of a series of thematic videos in which twenty iconic houses across the Netherlands are featured: from the Amsterdam School and De Stijl to Postmodernism; from Gerrit Rietveld to Mart van Schijndel and many others. We also offer the five thematic videos as one film of an hour. The film also presents famous examples of social housing, an area in which The Netherlands was particularly rich in the 20th-century.

Module 3

A Woman’s Place: Clients & Architects

Video on demand.
Lecture: English. Video: Dutch spoken and English subtitles.

Keynote address by Alice T. Friedman and video presented by Natalie Dubois.

Women as Influencers, Architects, and Clients in Modern Architecture and Design

Alice T. Friedman is an art historian and the Grace Slack McNeil Professor of the History of American Art and Co-Director of the Architecture Program at Wellesley College. She is also a curator, art critic, and author of Women and the Making of the Modern House. Her research and teaching focuses on modern architecture and the history of design in the United States. She is particularly interested in mid-century modern architecture, in the culture of the United States in the years following World War II. Broadly speaking, she is concerned with the social and cultural history of architecture, with an emphasis on issues of gender, patronage, and the history of taste, both in the United States and in Europe, 1750 to the present.

In her lecture, Friedman sheds light on Wright's Susan Lawrence Dana house, emphasizing the contributions of Marion Mahoney, Eleanor Raymond’s house for Natalie Hammond, and the Farnsworth House with a nod to Tugendhat and Lily Reich.

A Woman’s Place: Clients & Architects

Natalie Dubois is curator of applied art and design at the Centraal Museum Utrecht. Among other things, she is responsible for the three Rietveld houses that are being managed by the museum. Natalie studied art history at the UvA (Amsterdam) and NYU (New York) and museology at the Reinwardt Academy (Amsterdam).

In this episode Natalie tells us about the different and important roles that women played in the Netherlands: Helene Kröller-Müller as client, Truus Schröder-Schräder as co-designer and Lotte Stam-Beese as architect.
The significant houses with which they were involved and that are featured in this episode are:

Houses featured in this episode are:

Country Residence/Museum Jachthuis Sint Hubertus, H.P. Berlage, client Helene Kröller-Müller, 1920
Rietveld Schröder House, Gerrit Rietveld, client/co-designer Truus Schröder-Schräder, 1924
Polman House, architect Lotte Stam-Beese, 1956

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